Unconscious hiding.

I like hiding myself.

I fade the world around me and convert it into a great black hole in which I am unable to find who I am.

A place where not even shadows can scare me. A dark surrounding which blinds me and does not allow me to face the reality of the outside world.

I am an insider. I choose to become insignificant instead of standing up. I have learned that people nowadays do not want to hear you. Sometimes, they don’t even want to hear themselves. 

Everyone talks bull and does shit and that is why everything is bullshit. 

Hiding myself is the key to escape. It means to run away from problems, not because I am a coward, but because nobody stands a chance against the kryptonite of society. 

Killing, raping and robbing are not the enemies anymore. The beast is now us. We have become allies of violence, discrimination and sexism. 

Hiding myself means ignoring the real me. Too scared to accept that I whine but take no action to defeat the essence of the beast consuming me. 

Maybe I am a coward after all, who does not dare stop the kryptonite from exploding and I try to hide the fact that people are getting killed by it. I am too focused on the consequences I will receive: insults, laughs and threats amongst others. I let them convince me to not do something. 

That dark hole will start to become smaller and will shrink to the point where I can no longer breathe. Just like that, I will become my own pray as I decided to be in this hole of darkness. 

My punishment will be to watch innocent people on the outside get killed and knowing in my last moments that I could have saved them. 

I will no longer like hiding myself because the hiding would not exist anymore as the disappearance takes over. 
         – (the person reading this who unconsciously encourages violence, discrimination and sexism by not standing up for victims) 

©Claudia Hernández,2016 

Instagram: claudiaher98

Facebook: writingclaud

Instagram (blog): writingclaud

24 thoughts on “Unconscious hiding.

    1. I wrote this as a reflection for hypocrite people who whine about all these bad stuff happening in the world but are too scared of judgements and decide not to stand up for victims. Sometimes, I am also guilty of this but somehow I have noticed that we try to justify it as something we do “unconsciously”. That is why I decided to end this post by making the reader think as if they wrote it, because it’ll mean they can identify with it. I hope this made sense…thank you very much for commenting☺️

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  1. A powerful statement!! The world is so full of events, things done, things said. Its hard to know what are the best ones to get involved in/with, and those to stray away from.

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  2. This a beautiful and powerfull post, I love it! We all complain about the bad things in the world but don’t do something about it. We know there is war, but don’t fight. We see the poos, but don’t help. We know it’s there but try to ignore and not make our hands dirty. This isn’t the way to do it. And I know I’m not better, I do it myself. But if I could, I would try to change things. But sadly some things aren’t in my power.

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  3. I would march to battle, but I would fall. They don’t want to kill you. No. They don’t want to release your soul to freedom. They want to eat the light inside of you by scaring you, by demeaning and belittling everything you do. They derive pleasures in sneers and treasures in jeers. One day a King will arrive who looks them in the eye, and they melt and die. But he doesn’t exist. He’s just a fantasy created by man to believe in an easy way through tragedy. Good luck, my friend. Since you didn’t stop me, I came in like a cancer to spread my evil lies everywhere. Soot. Dirty. Ugly. And baneful self. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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